Monday, August 17, 2009

Hawaii 2009

The first day we arrived 1/2 early @ 11:30 am - Hawaiian time which is 3 hours behind here. We got our of the plane- into the Airport at Kona. It was great!!! So sunny and warm :) The flight was about 5.5 hrs. Not bad!!!!
Then the first stop we headed was Costco :) Major fun stuff!!! We got some, water, beer, juice, cheese, crackers, baguettes. and Hershey's kisses with Mac nuts! um Hello.
We arrived at our hotel after 2pm. We changed and went down to the pool- at our place. Amazing!!!! Noone was there- over looked the Ocean. We swam till about 5pm- then decided to go out for Dinner- it was good- had a Ham & cheese Melt * pineapple coleslaw :) Yummy- Hubby Had Eggs- and a meat patty :) It was a cool diner.

Falling asleep to the waves wow! Our balcony was converted to the Bedroom- so it soothed us to sleep!


villagegirl said...

That was one of my fav things when we went to Hawaii. Falling asleep listening to the waves. there's nothing quite like it.
Um, macadamia hersheys!!! Did you buy large quantities of them?

Anonymous said...

Oooh...I think that falling asleep to the sound of the waves would be like a little slice of heaven.

cayman77 said...

I know its just so relaxing. I love it!!!!! Um yeah a Big bag! Then when I went back next week- all gone! drat!

It was pure heaven.