Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!

On Sat Aug 8- will be our One year Wedding Anniversary- which Im sure all you readers know!
It feels like longer? shorter? Most of all it has been soooooo much Fun- being a newlywed, moving to a new city- combing families :) It has been the Best year!

Here are some blurbs from my other fb friends :)

My post last night: super quiet: Hubby's asleep. packing. So excited for Hawaii!!! Charging the camera. Thinking bout the Lady who asked how we got together. 2.5 yrs ago. I walked out of a lonnnng day of work: Told my Co-worker- Im too busy to even have a Boyfriend: Get home- almost pass out- lol- His voice is on my machine- for a date: It def happens when u least expect it!!!!!! Love of my LIFE.

aww :P- Katrina- Family Friend
have a great trip Betsy! Love to hear the joy in your posts :)-Suzanne -high School Friend

I love your life too! :) Have a great trip!- Julie- co worker
You so sweet, Bets...enjoy your trip!!!- Lori- co worker

Thanks everyone!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Betsy! The year sure seemed to go by quickly. Hope you have a wonderful time in Hawaii. :)