Thursday, February 26, 2009

Movie time!

Its funny I read village G's Blog * I was like hey we are twins! Writing about our movies. I love Movies!!!!!!!! I want to watch them all the time! Especially with Popcorn.
On the weekend we watched the Rocker with our youngest Son. It was pretty good- reminded me of 80's music!

Then last night hubby watched " The Ghost & Mrs Muir* :) I bought it Ive seen it about 5 times for sure! I used to watch it at my Grandmas * she would make me a cucumber salad- special dressing, and fries- oh so yummy with salt * pepper. Its funny how we remember long ago parts of our childhood. I miss her! So there you have it!!!!


Anonymous said...

I've been debating whether or not to rent The Rocker. Is it worth the $4.50 or should I wait until it's on the $2.00 shelf?

Colleen said...

THE ROCKER!!! C'mon Sonya, it's Dwight! You can't go wrong. RENT IT. Bill me the $2.50 if you hate it.

Hi Sug. :)

cayman77 said...

lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its worth it! Comon you & Gary - a few laughs, a bowl of poppy corn :)

Hey Colly!!!! :)

I hope our dear dickie c is having a blast!!!