Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I think...ive learnt many life lessons
I know...alot more now than I did in my twenties!
I want...the best for the family- rest * health
I have...too much to do
I wasnt so hectic * busy
I hate...selfish people
I Grandma
I fear...spiders
I hear...the cats playing * clock ticking
I cinnamon latte :)
I my Sweetie is_ I miss him so! Hes back tommorrow- gone for the week workin.
I regret... I didnt meet my husband in my twenties
I love... Life, My dear Husband, our boys, our kitties
I am not...too awake
I believe... everything happens for a reason
I dance...when noone is around! * also with my guy.
I sing... when I like the song
I don't... do mornings well
I win...or have won at Love, * Motherhood
I mind when I dont get proper sleep * my patience!
I dislike...late people
I never...knew I could relax * enjoy life- so much!!!
I my boys ask 'what's there to eat?" When there is lots!!!!
I am scared...of creepy guys panhandling
I read...alot
I am general
I notice... people can act different around others
I express...what I want pretty clearly
I talk...alot to the cats
I drive... my self nuts thinking too far ahead
I watch...old movies with hubby - I love that era
I dream...of our old age
I need...a Big Bear hug from hubby
I haven't...learned standard yet
I pick...up where I left off easily
I run...but not anymore
I suppose...this year will be busier than ever!
I wear...all diff lotions
I cry...when I watch the notebook
I smile...just about everyday.
I actions.
I make...myself made up * prsentable when I must


Dickie Chick said...

Thanks for the peak into your little world!
Love ya!

cayman77 said...

:)))))) luv you much! Its fun thinking about the answers.