Monday, November 7, 2011


Is this not a beautiful place!!! One day - we hope to make it here :)))))
This year- has been a interesting year for our family- sometimes you wonder whats around the corner- for us- its been a tad stressful- I usually dont post- about this kind of thing- but I thought I would do something a bit different----- We had planned to move to London- possibly for 3 years!!! wow- yes Hubby's job- he had applied for among many others--- in the end - we remained here- knowing the possibilty- we prepared ourselves for this in the end. It was fun hoping- wishing-- selling our cars- put micro chips in our cats for entry into the UK. I would of loved to move away---- sometimes the routine- can be too much- I have always been one for travel- so I was all ready! Anyway everything for a reason.... just thought I would share :)


Rachel said...

That would have been a very exciting adventure!