Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Readers Bear with me!

ahhhh after being away I have a zillion e-mails and comp stuff to still catch up on! So please bear with- I may remember things we did in Vegas later! lol! I have close to 600 pics to sort so it may take awhile!

The first day we woke up about 9am- went to this dive dinner- called Tiffanys! It was delic! Inside a drug store-in the shady side of Vegas lol! But oh soooooooo good!
After we simply explored the strip- Hot hot day - lots of water!!!!!!! We saw the Lions in MGM- so cute! And had sandwiches at Wichcraft- inside the mgm- my fave avacado- watercress & walnut spread- Ive been waiting for lol! My sis loved it too!!!
Then that night we took Hubby to the Nascar- he was soooooooooooo happy! A thrill he will never forget! He got a plaque with Pics and a certificate!
So then we ate ate Chinese at Panda Express in our hotel - open! Then we bowled! At the Alley in our hotel, Hubby won I came in 2nd. Then gambled a bit and went to zzzzzzzzzzz. Fun long busy day! We could of all stayed another week. There is wayyyyyyyyy too much to do and we did half of what we wanted!